Future Proof H3™ is a digital platform that facilitates strategic partnerships and collaborative development of disruptive technologies, products and services which share one common objective:

the flourishing of our collective


Secure + Source

Within a generation, technology has given billions of people access to unprecedented amount of data and information. The health and wellness market is flooded with apps, devices, and programs designed to measure our vital signs, collect our health data, monitor our daily activities, moods and habits.

Soon, AI and algorithms will be able to process and analyze the colossal amount of data and provide a personalized nutritional profile, exercise program, sleep cycle, work schedule designed to optimize our productivity, performance, and extend lifespan.

While digital tech has given us the ability to track and collect data on almost every facet of our biological processes, it has not provided us with the context or understanding to parse or utilize the information to simply live happy and healthy lives —which is what most of us want and seek.

Instead, the ‘quantified-self’ movement ramped up the individualization and customization of our health and well-being, which led to even more ways to track and collect more data that are currently used to sell us more products and services.


At FutureProof H3™, we ask:

Can we utilize the unprecedented amount of real time human health, sleep, activity, productivity and all other data to identify common forces, factors, and fluxes that affect our collective Health, Happiness, and Humanity WHILE advocating for the security and anonymity of our individual data?

In other words,

How do we protect and secure personal data that we already collect to identify, clarify, and understand “what makes us well”?

Asses + Apply

Innovations in biotechnology and genetic engineering will sequence, edit, enhance our genes, augment our physical and mental capabilities and may even give birth to different sub-species of humanoids. VR technology imbedded in our brains or directly connected to our neurological functions will create experiences we cannot yet conceive, simulate spiritual fulfillment, induce happiness, and allow us to escape reality on demand.

But who is asking the question: How do these technological innovations and advancements affect our collective health, happiness, and humanity?

FutureProof H3™ provides the platform to debate, discuss, and assess scientific breakthroughs in health, medicine and the latest in biotech innovations and determine how they can be applied to benefit and support our health, happiness and humanity. 

Connect + Collaborate

FutureProof H3™ digital platform connects individuals, corporations and organizations from unrelated fields of interests and industries to form strategic alliances and collaborate in development of technologies that future proof —secure, support, strengthen, and sustain — our collective Health, Happiness, and Humanity.

Impact + Influence

FutureProof H3™ aims to transform the Wellness landscape into a global force that promotes open, objective, rational, tolerant, and forward- thinking approach to securing a thriving future for the entire human race.